Adopter support groups

PACT runs events designed to meet the needs of adoptive parents. We listen to your feedback and do our best to create events in response to the most common challenges adopters are facing. 

You can access further support and advice by getting in touch with our Adopter Champions or visiting the Children And Trauma Community Hub.

If you need the help of our therapeutically-trained social workers or you think your child may need therapy, take a look at our Strengthening Families Team and our Family and Children Therapeutic Support (FACTS) service

We also run events for families, such as our annual  Family Fun Days.

Current support groups

Drop in support sessions

An informal drop in each month for adoptive parents to chat virtually to each other and our team. Join for as little or as long as you like.

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Support group for adoptive fathers

A space for dads and dads-to-be to meet together and share support, encouragement and advice.

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Buddy support for parents with children with additional needs

Are you are a parent of a child or children with additional needs? Would you like to speak to other parents with similar families for support. We can arrange to link you with another family for buddy support.

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Partner agency events

We work closely with partners to give our adoptive families access to specialist events and workshops in addition to the training and support provided by PACT.

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Family Fun Days

We hold events each year for PACT families to meet up with our team and each other for a picnic, activities and mutual support.

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