Diverse ethnicities

At PACT we welcome people of all ethnicities who wish to become parents through adoption. Just as the children waiting for a family are ethnically diverse, we need adoptive parents who understand their heritage and can support their cultural identity.

Children of Black or mixed ethnicity are over-represented in the care system and make up 7% of children in care and 2% of those adopted. This is proportionately smaller than their share of the under 18 population (5%). Asian children make up 4% of children in care. Both these groups are statistically less likely to be adopted than White children.

If you are of Black Caribbean or Black African heritage you may find there are many children waiting with an ethnicity similar to your own.

There are also a significant number of Asian children waiting for adoption. These children are mainly of Pakistani, Middle Eastern or Somalian heritage and are of a Muslim faith.

If you are considering becoming a parent through adoption and could offer a secure and loving home to a child or sibling group, contact our friendly enquiries team today.

If you’d like to have an informal chat about starting your adoption process, you can speak to one of PACT’s Enquiries Officers. They can give you some more information, answer any questions you may have and book you onto a PACT Adoption Information Event where you will hear a bit more about the adoption process from PACT social workers and a PACT adopter will share their story.

Our Enquiries Line is open 10am-5pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10am-8pm on Tuesday and Thursday, and 10am-1pm on Saturday. You can also fill in our enquiry form here.

Adopter stories 

Sarah* and Omar* are a couple with mixed ethnicities who chose to adopt after having a birth child. 

After adopting their son, who is of dual heritage, their daughter said how much she loved finally having someone in the family who looked like her. 

Read their case study

Sarah and Omar said:  

“This comment has stayed with us. We had never thought of her feeling so different but when we thought about it, all her family members were either white or black. It was lovely for her to feel that she had someone else the same as her and I think this has made her bond with her little brother that much stronger.” 

*Names changed for confidentiality purposes

Interview with social worker Nadine

In a Black History Month episode of our Talking Adoption show, Nadine speaks about the need for more Black and mixed ethnicity adopters.

Interview with Grace, PACT’s Adopter Diversity Engagement Officer

In this video, Grace speaks about her role reaching out to adopters from diverse backgrounds to help find families for the children who wait the longest.

Black History Month panel discussion

In another special episode of our Talking Adoption show for Black History Month, we speak to a panel of adopters as well as PACT social worker Lorna about the experience of adoption.

Meet Grace, PACT’s Adopter Diversity Engagement Officer

Grace is responsible for delivering events and campaigns to reach families who could give a child or children in care a loving, permanent home through adoption. She leads on engaging prospective adopters from specific groups, particularly those who are of Black African, Black Caribbean and other Black heritage, LGBTQ+ and those of faith.

Find out more

Podcast episode

Interview with adopter Ruth

In this podcast recorded for Black History Month, adopter Ruth speaks about her own journey and how she found the process of becoming a parent.

Find Out More

Read the stories of families from diverse backgrounds who adopted with PACT


PACT has an adopter champion who adopted children from diverse backgrounds who is available to speak to prospective adopters.

PACT is dedicated to supporting our families through the lifetime of their adoption journeys.  We offer specialist adoption support and therapeutic services through our Strengthening Families Team and our specialist Family And Children Therapeutic Support (FACTS) service. The Adoption Support Fund is also available for the emotional and behavioural needs for children placed up to and after an adoption order is made. As well as this adopted children have priority in the adopter’s school of choice.

PACT has assessed families for Black and mixed ethnicity children from a wide range of backgrounds and is experienced in this type of adoption assessment, matching and placement for such families.

PACT is committed to reducing the adoption waiting time for ‘priority children’ of Black and mixed ethnicity waiting for adopters and will work with prospective adopters to ensure the assessment process is as efficient as possible.