Bounce Back 4 Kids
Bounce Back 4 Kids (BB4K) is a support programme developed by PACT that uses therapeutic techniques to support children who have been affected by or witnessed domestic abuse. The programme works with children and their parents or carers to heal from trauma through a series of therapeutic support sessions.

See our groups
We run groups for children aged 3-11 and their parent or carer who have been referred to BB4K. We also offer courses for parents on topics such as confidence, self-esteem and mental health.

Refer yourself or someone you know
To access any of our groups or services, families need to be referred to our BB4K team.
The programme has had a huge impact on (my child). He is reflecting more on the choices he makes and he understands how to manage his feelings.
BB4K parent
Doing this Bounce Back course with my daughter has been one of the best things I’ve done. I was unsure at first, as I didn’t want to admit it had affected my girls so much. But I am so happy I did as it has opened my eyes and given me and my daughter the tools to move forward.
BB4K parent
Thank you for letting me come to talk about my feelings, play games and have lots of fun. I wish we could all come again!
BB4K child
I have learnt a lot and feel that I am more confident as a parent and in myself generally.
BB4K parent
Mr B noticed that as a result of Jack attending BB4K it has especially helped with his anger. If someone annoys him he has a mature attitude and approach and is able to walk away from the situation, or take a deep breath. After attending the group he received an award at school, this was for his work but also his mature attitude.
Feedback from school
During the course she became more confident and outgoing. She stood up in assembly and read out a paragraph which she hadn’t done before. Her behaviour at home improved and she became more settled.
BB4K parent
Emily is more reflective and thoughtful than she used to be and is far more able to discuss her feelings objectively.
Feedback from school
My relationship with Scott has strengthened and I am beginning to understand what my children’s behaviour is communicating.
BB4K parent

Other support available
As well as our groups, families seeking support can download our positive newsletters or request to be added to our private Facebook group. Parents who have been referred to BB4K can also request to borrow books from our lending library.
BB4K Gallery

BB4K’s ‘heart to heart tree’. Heart to heart is an attachment-based group that focuses on building child and parent relationship. Written on the leaves are evaluation words of how the parent and child felt at the end of the session. Each colour resembles a different week of the programme and each leaf echoes one parent and their child.

Child’s worry box

Masks showing different emotions

Head full of emotions created by child attending BB4K group sessions

Iceberg showing feelings hidden under the surface

Drawings created by children attending BB4K groups

Sand jar representing different emotions, completed during a group session

Feedback after a group session

Playdough art from our Oxford group

‘What’s in your heart/shield’ drawings from our Oxford group

Volcano feelings

Playdough family art by our under 5s

Parent steps exercise from the parent group that runs alongside the children’s group

Parent-child hand prints and playmobile families

Puppets and animals to play with