About Bounce Back 4 Kids
What is BB4K?
Bounce Back 4 Kids (BB4K) is a support recovery programme developed by PACT that uses therapeutic techniques to support children who have survived or witnessed domestic abuse. The programme works with children aged 3-11 and their parents who live in Reading, Wokingham, West Berkshire, Oxford City, South Oxfordshire and the Vale of the White Horse.
Support is tailored to be responsive to the needs of families but could include individual support, groupwork, online workshops and courses, play therapy, other therapeutic sessions, access to wellbeing newsletters and a private Facebook group.
To access any of our support services for yourself or someone you know, you will need to make a referral to our team.

Aims of BB4K
- To help break the cycle of domestic abuse
- To understand and heal from trauma
- To provide families with the tools to enable them to keep safe
- To validate and empower children and their parent / main carer
- To improve children’s school attendance, learning and development
- To give parents the opportunity to see domestic abuse through the eyes of their child
- To strengthen positive and healthy attachments between children and their parent / main carer
- To raise children’s self-esteem whilst giving them an opportunity to explore and express their feelings through fun, child-focused activities in a safe therapeutic way
How we work
Watch the short film below to find out more about how we work.
Feedback from parents
BB4K receives positive feedback from many parents who have attended the programme with their children.
“Doing this Bounce Back course with my daughter has been one of the best things I’ve done. I was unsure at first, as I didn’t want to admit it had affected my girls so much. But I am so happy I did as it has opened my eyes and given me and my daughter the tools to move forward.”
“I have seen Sarah increasing in confidence, more able to share her concerns with me, and understanding that she is not responsible for others’ behaviour.”
“Becky has loved coming and I can see a big difference in her confidence.”
“My relationship with Scott has strengthened and I am beginning to understand what my children’s behaviour is communicating.”
“It has made our home much happier and calmer. We speak more and have special time together.”
“I have learnt a lot and feel that I am more confident as a parent and in myself generally.”
Feedback from schools
Many schools support BB4K and teachers have noticed the positive changes in their pupils who have taken part in the group.
“Very worthwhile and enjoyable for a very confused girl.”
“Mr B noticed that as a result of Jack attending BB4K it has especially helped with his anger. If someone annoys him he has a mature attitude and approach and is able to walk away from the situation, or take a deep breath. After attending the group he received an award at school, this was for his work but also his mature attitude.”
“Bobby doesn’t shout out as much on carpet. He seems far more settled and ready to learn.”
“Emily is more reflective and thoughtful than she used to be and is far more able to discuss her feelings objectively.”
Feedback from children
This short film contains feedback from children who attended BB4K group programmes.
(To protect identities, feedback has been read out by volunteers and voices are not those of children participating in the programme.)
Find out more about our BB4K groups and courses
We run groups and courses for children and parents/carers who have been referred to BB4K. These include groups for children aged 3-5, children aged 5-11 and parents.

See the impact of our work
“The children are all achieving incredible things at school and doing after school activities, but most of all they’re just enjoying every minute of their childhood in such a more relaxed and happy environment.” – BB4K parent