Other support available
We offer a range of other support to BB4K families to support the recovery and healing process, including our positive newsletters which are available for anyone to access and our lending library service and Facebook group which are for BB4K families only.

BB4K positive newsletters
We’ve put together some resources and positive messages to help you feel safe and supported. Our newsletters can be shared with anyone who needs support and contain links, ideas and inspiration for parents and children to support your wellbeing and look after your mental health.

Lending library for BB4K families
We have created a library of children’s books for BB4K families to use for free. The purpose of the library is to supply books on a wide range of topics that parents can use with their children to help them understand their experiences and feelings. The books cover themes such as anger, anxiety, family, identity and imagination. Anyone who is receiving support from BB4K or has received support in the past can request to use the library.
Facebook support group
We also offer support to families through our private BB4K Facebook group. If you would like to request to join this group, please get in touch with our team at bb4k@pactcharity.org.
Domestic abuse helplines
We have put together some useful organisations to contact if you are seeking immediate help for someone experiencing domestic abuse.