BB4K Lending Library

We are running a lending library to allow you to borrow books that may be helpful to use with your children. The books we have available include themes like anger, emotions, feelings, family and imagination.

The lending library will be open every Monday unless otherwise indicated. Books can be borrowed for 1-2 weeks.

Please use our online form to submit a book request and indicate when you would like to collect them. Requests must be submitted by midday the Friday before the Monday you would like to collect the books.

The address for picking up and dropping off books is: PACT (BB4K Team), 2 Southern Court, South Street, Reading, RG1 4QS. If you are unable to come to the office, please indicate this on the form and we will post the books to you.

If you would like to contact the BB4K team for any reason, please email

Submit a book request


Books available to lend

A book about what police cars are and what they look and sound like

A book about children who have a father in prison

You can request to borrow up to three books at a time…